Learning at
Bellevue School

Learning @ Bellevue School

At Bellevue School we place the learner at the centre, supporting the growth of the whole child.

We foster learning focused relationships, have an unwavering belief in all our ākonga, and build on the special qualities that each child brings.

We celebrate cultural diversity and honour Te Tiriti o Waitangi by building a sense of identity, actively protecting and preserving Te Reo and Te Ao Māori.

Bellevue School is a contributing primary school catering for Year 0 - 6. In addition to our mainstream classrooms there are 3 Montessori classrooms for children from 6 to 12 years of age, where The New Zealand Curriculum is aligned with the Montessori curriculum.

Through Play Based Learning and Student Inquiry, we provide children the opportunity to explore, problem solve, think critically and creatively and collaborate with others.

Our established school is very much a part of a thriving and vibrant urban community, set on a beautiful terraced site with generous playing fields, play grounds, turfs and a swimming pool.

Our school is a member of the Otūmoetai Kāhui Ako, which works collaboratively to ensure the best outcomes for all of our tamariki. We have close ties and proximity to Otūmoetai Intermediate School and Otūmoetai College, which the majority of our students attend when they leave Bellevue.


Learning environment


At Bellevue School we place the learner at the centre, supporting the growth of the whole child. We foster learning focused relationships, have an unwavering belief in all our ākonga, and build on the special qualities that each child brings.

We believe in building student voice and independence and encourage students’ different learning styles within all our classrooms.

Through Play Based Learning and Student Inquiry, we provide children the opportunity to explore, problem solve, think critically and creatively and collaborate with others.

What are some of the benefits of how we teach?

  • Children have choice about where and how they work
  • Collaboration is fostered and children are encouraged to help and support each other in their learning
  • Learning can be personalised and tailored to suit different needs
  • Learners are encouraged to self-manage and self-direct their learning
  • Choice, flexibility and options encourage high levels of engagement

E-learning and ICT

We are fortunate at Bellevue to have a generous number of e-learning devices throughout the school. Devices are used for designing, researching, presenting, creating and collaborating with peers, teachers and whānau.

Classes utilise devices in the ways that best suit the learners and their needs. However, classes will mainly use iPads with some chrome books utilised as well.


Key competencies


The New Zealand Curriculum outlines five key competencies, which are described as the capabilities people have, and need to develop, to live and learn today and in the future.
Students at bellevue School will have the opportunity to learn through using the Key Competencies


The five Key Competencies are:

  • Thinking
  • Relating to others
  • Using language, symbols, and texts
  • Managing self
  • Participating and contributing



At Bellevue School we provide a rich and varied curriculum which is integrated through our Inquiry learning and Ako Takaro (play learning). The following curriculum areas are taught at Bellevue School, as outlined in the New Zealand Curriculum:

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • The Arts (Music, Dance, Drama and Visual Art)
  • Technology
  • Te Reo/Tikanga Maori
  • Health & PE

Learning support

We are fortunate to have a full time learning support coordinator who is based at Bellevue School. This enables us to work closely with all stakeholders to ensure that we are catering for those students with additional learning needs.

We have a trained Reading Recovery teacher on site, who works one-on-one with children to provide extra literacy support.

We provide extra programmes such as “Seasons For Growth” to support social and emotional needs across the school.

Student progress

At Bellevue School we use online, real time reporting via our student management system Hero. Your child’s goals are always accessible and you can see their progress online, at all times.

We focus heavily on learner agency, learners being actively involved in the decisions about their learning. Our reporting reflects learner agency, with our children personally sharing information about their learning - what they are doing well and their next steps.

Children are involved in discussions with their teacher/s to co-construct their successes and next steps. This is a move away from ‘One-way reporting of achievement’ towards ‘Information sharing that informs learning’.